Thursday, May 30, 2013

Initiation is a very important part of African Traditional Medicine healing. Those who aim achievement in the works of healing and prevention, must communicate with the spiritual world, stay in tune and in touch with instinct and be prepared to commence Initiation, the first arduous and challenging phase for every healer.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

This book is a study of the African Traditional Medicine in Kenya
We continue ou journey with more discoveries on the African Traditional Medicine territory, this time, we are taken to the Diaspora territory, where we find the history of Black people in the United States keeing up with their tradition and heritage on healing

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Here is the great Shea Butter Tree OR vitellaria paradoxa found in West Africa ... with fruits that protect, revitalize, and moisture the skin.  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I keep saying it : healers are the real protagonists in the history of African traditional medicine. Without them, we, the researchers, are lost. Finding, locating the healers is the primary task if one wants to write about a particular healing system in a determined area ..........
Trained dental surgeon Dr Yahaya Sekagya, top left, also runs a school for traditional healing. The objects in the centre, from the crocodile head to the dried leaves, all have a meaning or use in traditional healing practices, in forest outside Kampala, Uganda,

Friday, March 22, 2013

mmmm ... Are African traditional remedies a secret and kept guarded solely by the healer? For what I have been reading all these years, I believe the answer to this question is yes and no. It is important to consider that healing knowldege is highly valuable and diverse from healer to healer. There is not such a thing as one healing system, but many, and the remedies to certain illnesses may be well kept secure from other healers .... competition? Jeoulosy? I will find out soon enough when fieldwork time comes around. Thank you